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job interview/church/teacher/date/who knows?

okay so i honestly dont even know what to call this outfit. its pretty much appropriate for anything. i mean within reason. i actually wore this to work one day, and it was awesome. super comfortable, but also not too hot, not too cold. because, well you know, the weather right now is stuuupiiid and mother nature cant choose hot or cold for one solid day at a time so we are at the stage of being cold in the morning and burning up by the afternoon. its fine, its all good.

can we just appreciate this dress for a second?..... yall. i love this dress. you cant see how cute the top really is because of the jean jacket (dont regret it at all btw). anyways. its a super cute halter top and is awesome! i absolutely love the floral pattern because it is perfect for almost anytime of year. the colors are perfect for fall, and the fact that its a sleeveless dress makes it perfect for spring and summer.

the boots. im telling ya right now. im going to wear and wear and wear and wear these babies. i mean im going to WEAR them. i think these boots are sent straight from JESUS. maybe Steve Madden is a prophet or something. who knows. anyways. i dont have a ton to say about them except for the fact that they are awesome. super comfy. so cute. and if you can get your hands on them. YOU NEED THEM IN YOUR LIFE.

i think glasses are so fun. i mean, yall. i was the girl in HIGH SCHOOL that would wear FAKE glasses because i thought they were cool. if i went to high school with you, now you have some dirt on me. there you go. anyways, i think glasses can add something different to change an outfit COMPLETELY. im all "caps"ed out with glasses. but hey. these are actually prescription. so HAH! now im done.

jean jackets are quickly becoming my favorite thing to accessorize with. i feel like these were HUGE when i was in elementary school, and then they went out of style for a while. but i think they are making a comeback. or at least they are in my closet. im enjoying them so yeah.

heres a blooper just for fun, because this is what most of this photoshoot contained. this tree demanded to be ran and jumped through. despite me getting bitten by something evil from the underworld, it was worth it. even if i make stupid faces.

i hope you are having a GLORIOUS wednesday. try something new today. smile for no reason. sing at the top of your lungs to your favorite song. and dont stop just because you pull up next to someone at a red light. praise Jesus. dance with your animals while they stare at you like youre crazy. love others well. but yall. LOVE YOURSELF. you cant love anyone else until you fall in love with yourself. look in the mirror and think of all the things you have done in life. all the things that you have OVERCOME. YOU ARE A MIRACLE. live like it. inspo over. peace out people.

all my best always


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