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let's be real

jeans. technically, do we have to wash jeans every single time we wear them? i hope you silently just said no, because i know i don't. i wash my jeans every 3 ish wears. unless they are noticeably dirty, then i cry to myself that i am going to have to go through the whole process of stretching them back out to the perfect fit, because lets be real. jeans fit so much better after you have already worn them a couple of times.

The Lords gift to women was dry shampoo. i think we can all agree with that one. but what happens when you're out? i have news ladies. very old news. but news. baby powder does the exact same thing. wake up a little late? too lazy to wash your hair? need your roots touched up just a little (for us blonde ladies). baby powder. lets be real, anything to make the day easier helps right?

i live by myself. i have weird habits.obviously. as seen in all these pictures. i think we all do, but i'm actually sharing mine and putting them into the light. this is a habit that i formed when i went off to college. i would buy my ice cream by the gallons. i live by myself yes, i know, why do i need gallons. because i love ice cream thats why. and the worse thing in the world is when you want ice cream and you actually have to get out of your house to go get it. nope. no thanks. ill buy the gallon. or two. lets be real, i have three in my freezer right now. i have to have variation in my life, come on. my favorite thing to do is eat it right out of the tub though. even if someone is sharing with me, sorry, i double dip. my favorite way to do this, is to get caramel and chocolate syrup, and drizzle it all on the top half of the vanilla ice cream. i dig in with my spoon and eat the whole top layer. then i do some debating whether i want to start the process again. which i usually do. lets be real, its so much more efficient washing just a spoon than a bowl too. its fine. i promise its fine.

speaking of binge eating. a guilty pleasure that i have always done and just figured out recently, that i must have inherited it from my parents is eating cake from the pan. i think we have all done this some time or another. you don't want a whole slice so you just take a bite or two. but thats not the best part. the best part is when youve taken so many bites that the shame starts setting in and you have to hide what you've done. you've already eaten a good little square out of the cake, but its just not quite even so its obvious what has happened. so you take one for the team and eat a straight line all the way across the pan so that no one knows what you've done. good as new.

i guess this post is going to be all about food because my last lets be real that i discovered happened the other day. i was on the phone with my mother after i had finished at the gym. ironically she had just finished working out too. i asked her what she was doing and she told me she was trying to figure out what to do for dinner. i had just gotten home and was doing the same thing but was looking more along the lines of cookies. i had oreos (you cant go wrong with oreos) and lets me tell you the double and triple stuffed is not whats important here. i'm telling you now, the thin oreos are WHERE ITS AT. i grabbed the package and poured a glass of milk. mom asked me what i was eating and i told her, which gave her the idea that it sounded really good to her as well. by the end of the phone call we had both eaten an entire sleeve of oreos and our excuse was that "we deserved it" because we worked out. lets be real. we earned it. its fine. its all fine.

i decided to add some of my bloopers from a couple of different shoots. its easy to look at all the good pictures, but this is definitely a more accurate depiction of what i actually look like the majority of the time. yall im goofy. and overdramatic. and in that last picture i got stung/bitten by something, and ended up getting a rash all over my neck. its completely fine though because i totally wanted to wear a turtleneck for the rest of the day. its okay.

all my best always

(obviously, lol)


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