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comfy is the best style

ive come to notice lately that there is a way to be both stylish and comfy. i read an article the other day i think it was on buzzfeed.. but it was showing different celebs, mainly kardashians of course. but it showed them wearing long shirts or sweaters or sweatshirts, and no pants. i hate to break it to you, but sorority girls had the trend first. anyways. this sweater is one of my favorites for fall and winter time. i actually got this sweater at a local thrift shop YEARS back, and i got it in the mens section. gross? i dont care. its one of my favorites still. its so soft and so warm. everything doesnt have to be designer in your closet for it to be okay to wear and like.

the boots are something i have talked about before and this just goes to show that i wasnt joking about how much i love these boots. i love the long sweater, knee-high boot combo because it adds a little personality to an outfit, and youre really only wearing two articles of clothing, but not showing an abnormal amount of skin. this is one of my favorite outfit combinations because its so easy, but so comfy.

the glasses. QUAY is a huge popular brand right now in the fashion world. a ton of celebrities and youtube stars are endorsing the crap out of these. one of my favorite boutiques here in town, "Makie Black" started carrying them, and i went in on the first day they were out and bought a pair. these sunglasses are super affordable and so cute. the only thing is you do have to be super careful when storing and cleaning them. the reflective glass scratches easily, so you have to take good care of them. but they are still my favorites at the moment. the bigger the better. they cover all the bags under my eyes, and make me look a whole lot more put together than i actually am. lets be real. im in college, my life is an actual disaster. its okay. its fine. everything will be okay. in the end.

life is hard yall. there are so many ups and downs that its so easy to get lost in them. so easy to just look at the bad times and think that life sucks. but you know. it doesnt. life is a really beautiful cool thing. you woke up today! let me say that again. YOU WOKE UP TODAY!! you get a chance to redeem the days before today, you get a chance to be better. to help someone. to love everyone you come in contact with. you get a chance to love yourself more than you did the day before. so do it! love yourself. nothing bad will ever come from you respecting and loving yourself. in turn you are respecting and loving your creator! how awesome it is for The Lord to look down and see that we are being good to each other and to ourselves. love is such a powerful thing. it is so special yall. it can make or break someone and it can make or break yourself. choose love. with everything going on in the world with politics right now, its so easy to let these decisions divide us. but one thing can keep us all together. LOVE. no matter who in in office right now or in another four years or four years ago, we as a country are bigger than who is in office. we as a country can stand together. we as a people can be FOR each other. we have to love. everyone we come in contact with. not just who we like. not who is our family. love everyone as Jesus loves you. unconditionally. Jesus is love. if we abide in Jesus, then we abide in love. we become LOVE. how cool is that?! we have the chance to be love itself. my rant is over. but i encourage you to look at the good in someone today. pray for your enemies. its hard to not love someone when you hear what The Lord has to say about them. choose love today. choose to be FOR each other.

1 John 4:16

all my best always


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