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lets run errands

my cup says "more issues than vogue" and it applies more to my life right now than any other phrase in the entire world. i have issues. but not all of them are bad issues. i tricked you, right. because having issues usually is seen with a negative connotation. but not in this case. you can have good AND bad qualities. you can can have good AND bad issues. anyways, i have a lot of them, not sure if they are more good than bad, but thats besides the point. i find that when im out and about i like carrying one of these cups more than one from a fast food place. i like permanent cups and thermoses. why? i dont really have an explanation honestly, i just like them. and they are cuter, so i guess thats my reasoning.

to the outfit. these leggings are my favorite right now because they are so fun. YALL. they were 15 dollars at target. FIFTEEN DOLLARS. fhjdhfj;sdhfds!!!! sorry. a little too excited.

i wore a long sleeve shirt under the vest that is more like a light sweatshirt than anything else. its warm and comfortable. i wouldnt say its the most stylish, but its a solid, and a staple piece of mine.

the vest. every sorority girl and every frat guy has this vest im pretty sure. and i was a sorority girl for ONE year. so its fine. no i didnt get kicked out. i transferred schools and decided to "drop". anyways, besides the point. the vest provides some warmth, but doesnt make you hot. its also not bulky so its good for running errands because you dont feel or look like a marshmallow in a huge coat while trying to stay somewhat warm.

the shoes. i laugh about these shoes when i think back to when i first got them. my parents and i have a running joke. when i go shopping, i consider the article i purchase as "new" only for the first day, or sometimes the first time i wear it. after that, its not new any more. my parents caught onto this the first time i wore these shoes around them. they knew they hadnt seen them before so they asked if they were new. well they were new the day before, but not anymore. i told them no, that i had, had them for "a while". they gave me a funny look and asked how long "a while" was. i told them a couple of days, so they werent technically new. now its become a joke, because my parents are very aware of my retail therapy. its fine. im working on it. sort of. just kidding mom, im really working on it. promise.

i think its so easy to get caught up in errands. what do you have to do today? whats left on your list? do you make lists? i do. i have to or i lose my mind. i have a planner that goes EVERYWHERE with me. i mean EVERYWHERE. its my lifeline. i go nuts if i lose it or cant find it or dont bring it with me. mainly because i dont like to make plans with someone and have to cancel because i was bad at planning. i like to have all my ducks in a row for the day. but something im working on is having no expectations for my day. i like to think ahead. way ahead. i like to think of my life 10 and 20 years from now. i know what youre thinking. YOURE TWENTY. LIVE IN THE MOMENT. well let me tell you something now. IM TRYING. i really am. im working on living just in today. every morning my brain naturally wakes up and starts going through making lists of what i have to do for the day. and i have to purposefully tell myself to stop and ask The Lord what his plans are for me that day. you know what he usually says? "youll see" YOULL SEE. good one God. but really, what are we doing today? you see, God has a sense of humor. i try to change my ways by asking him to lay out my day instead of my planner. im being sneaky and trying to get out of just living in the moment. im trying to see my day ahead of its time. how silly for me to think i can fool The Lord. HA. jokes on me. so i see. i see what my day is like as it plays out. is it sort of terrifying? heck yea. is it kind of fun though? well, yeah. it is fun to let God have my day. he can make my plans because i dont have any expectations of my own to put on my day. i am never disappointed with how a day plays out because i know i gave it to him to plan out. soooo.. let God have your days. give him your planner and let him lay the day out before you. its fun. its never disappointing. its always blessed. give glory to The Lord because he is good. give him praise because he is almighty. give him love because he loves you.

all my best always


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