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baby its cold outside. sort of.

so its cold outside.. in the mornings.. only. i dont know about you, but i find this weather right now super annoying. i dont remember ever being this annoyed in the past, but i feel as if the weather is SUPER indecisive right now. like stop. be hot or for the love of all that is good in the world, be cold. anyways. if we ever find a day that is consistently cold, this is definitely a good outfit for it. turtleneck leggings and hooker boots. would you really expect anything less? i sure hope not.

so, this tunic/dress/turtleneck thing is awesome. its super warm and comfy. you do have to wear a layer underneath it unless youre cool with everyone seeing your bra if the wind blows. it has slits in the side that are completely open under the arms. its nice because it keeps things open and flowy and you dont get too hot. but its not enough to make you cold either.

hooker boots are just fun. these are kind of hard to walk in because of the heel, but who doesnt like a little challenge. will i fall on my face today? who knows? exciting right?!

i know i dress in greys and blacks a lot. and mustard, i know. its fine. anyways. i feel like this outfit can be worn for a variety of different events. work, school (if youre into that kind of thing), shopping or a date. i wore hooker boots on a date once. the guy didnt think i was a hooker either. but he did keep making "Pretty Woman" references.. so i guess thats cool.. or not.. i can laugh about it now and he still likes me so thats what really matters right?

be a blessing to someone today. that phrase is so often heard. but i want to encourage you to do something different. be a blessing to yourself today. did you know that you can do that? you can be a blessing to YOURSELF. make today count. make it mean something. do something today, that will BLESS YOUR FUTURE. be productive. get out in the world, talk to people, drink good coffee, read a book that makes you think and question. get out there. you werent made for netflix on your couch. i know what your thinking. "I watch netflix in bed, not my couch.. so ha!" no. it counts. it totally counts as the same thing. GET OUT IN THE WORLD. do you see how beautiful this place is? do you know how many people you can come in contact with that you could influence in a positive light. but also. who can influence you in a positive way? who are you letting speak life into you? who is encouraging you? find who those people are, and cling onto them. love them. care for them. talk to them. ask them about life, and what they think about certain situations.

people are beautiful. this world is beautiful. life is beautiful. and... turtlenecks and hooker boots are BEAUTIFUL.

all my best always


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