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who i am

who am i? who are you? who are we?

i want to write this post to give everyone reading a little insight to who i am as a person. i am 20 years old. i am in college studying to be a high school english teacher. i am a junior. i work at a boutique. and i volunteer at my church in student ministries and in the worship department. i love fashion, but definitely have my own opinion of what is actually fashionable. i like second hand stores, but to be honest they gross me out really bad while im in them. i like diy projects and Lord help my husband for all the plans im going to want him to do in our life span. i have two fur babies. Louna is my cat who is a little over a year old. and Stache is my puppy who is 6 months old. prayers are accepted. Stache is hilarious. he keeps me on my toes and he is the sweetest dog ever. he is absolutely massive, he is 6 months old, and if he continues to get any bigger we might have a problem. Louna is just as funny. i like to call her my other dog because she really is just like a dog. she sits for treats and plays fetch with rubber bands. she loves to cuddle and be held, and she is very very talkative. they get along so well. the whole idea of cats and dogs being arch enemies is a total lie. they love each other. they cuddle and play together and i think they even gang up on me sometimes. and then i have my baby Karli Blue. Karli Blue is my horse and i love her so much. ive had her since i was in the 8 grade, and she was about 2 when i got her. she is the sweetest thing but she is the most ornery thing in the entire world too. its okay. shes like her momma.

on a whole other note, thanksgiving is right around the corner, and i am so excited. yall. every year when Christmas comes around i am obviously excited. most years though i feel as if it sneaks up on me and i dont even have time to get excited or get in the Christmas spirit. but this year.. holy moly. i have the fever bad. i have already put up a christmas tree and i am now working on all the decorations. im a mess i know. i am definitely aware.

as i am writing this, i wanted to keep everything light and positive. i wanted to give a picture perfect view of my life. who doesnt want to do that? but im going to be honest. life isnt sunshine and butterflies. sometimes life sucks. its hard and irrational sometimes. i am in a spot of stillness right now. feeling as if i need validation from everyone that i come in contact with. i am moody and sometimes i am just in a "blah" state of mind. i started talking to The Lord about it today and he shared something really cool with me. he told me that i was being attacked, and i could either lay on the ground and let satan speak death over me, or i could stand up and battle for my heart and my soul and for his kingdom. like i said earlier, i volunteer in student ministries at my church. this place has been so special to me. i feel as if sometimes i am getting more out of it than the actual students because of the impact they have on my life and my day. The Lord told me to battle today. battle the "blah" days. recognize and acklowledge them, but dont let them dwell and stay in your prescence. you see, because we have the power of The Lord, we can do anything in his will. we have the power to declare a good day over ourselves. we have the power to banish and rebuke negativity that has/is spoken into and over our lives. so put that power to use. The Lord says that he doesnt give us a spirit of fear. he gives us ultimate peace. YALL! ULTIMATE PEACE! what is better than that?

battle your hard times. show whose side you are on, and fight like all get out. this is your soul and your heart on the line. would you rather God be the keeper or the evil man downstairs? i know i want The Lord to have and control and mold my future. i want it to go exactly as he has planned. encourage yourself today. you are strong. you are worthy. you are loved. and you can win your "blah" battle.

all my best always


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