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okay. so this is on a thursday. different, i know. but life is crazy. and like ive said before i am in college and right now finals are consuming my life. this outfit is so simple. the jacket is from one of my favorite websites. its awesome and super cheap but it is great quality stuff too. and they have just about everything that you can wear, so its great. anyways. this jacket is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. every time i wear it, i get several comments on it (good ones). i bought it because i thought it looked comfy and i figured i could wear it with a lot since its neutral, and well, i was right. i didnt expect to get a ton of positive feedback from it every time i wore it though. at all. but hey, ill take it.

the shoes are some new ones that i actually found at Ross, so naturally i got them at a really great price. they are really comfortable and super easy to walk in. plus i love anything that is olive green, so naturally i fell in love with them. i think they are pretty versatile, especially to be worn in the summer transition into fall. maybe not for winter, because heels and snow never go well together, well, not in my case at least.

i want to take a minute to talk about acknowledgment. yesterday was a day that i was NOT ready for. at my work, we had an incident, where a woman who was disabled because of a stroke, came into the store with her husband. at first she was just picking out small jewelry items that didnt cost much. but she kept adding and adding and adding. and soon her ticket was over $400. her husband who you could tell was struggling by the effects that the stroke had on his wife, was enraged with his wife and what she was about to spend money on. he kept wheeling her out to the car and screaming and at one point popped her on the hand and took away the credit card. the woman kicked and screamed her way to her husbands full denial of the situation where he just went and sat in the car, ashamed from losing his temper. my boss was luckily there, and we were about to call the police when the woman said she had already called them several times including the night before. we asked her if she felt safe, and if she was comfortable going home. we tried to convince her to not make the purchase, because "stuff" was not worth risking her safety. everything came to a close with her making a large purchase and her going back home with her husband against our concerns.

This situation threw me off for the rest of the day. I felt so sorry for the woman, but i couldnt help but feel sorry for the man too. his life had been turned upside down, and he did share with us that he was the only one working at the time because she wasnt able to. you could tell he was mentally and emotionally exhausted from trying to keep not only his, but his wife and sons heads above water in this time. I am not in any way excusing his actions towards his wife. but i want us to acknowledge peoples situations. it would be so easy to look at this man and think how much of a piece of crap he is for making a scene with his wife. but yall. thats real life. there were no fronts being put on. it was honesty out of the act of pure exhaustion. in this season i think its important to acknowledge peoples lives. not everyone can go out and buy everything their little heart desires. not everyone has a full healthy family. for a lot of people this holiday brings sadness, and truth, and loss. yes it is a happy holiday for the celebration of our savior being born. most people experience this holiday with their family by their side. and some dont. im not saying this man was right in any form. and we probably should have made the decision to contact the police, even as though the woman asked us not to do anything. i can see that more than likely came from a place of fear, and looking back, i wish i couldve done more to give her peace. but this just made me realize and acknowledge life. life is beautiful and incredible. but it is also incredibly messy sometimes. take that into consideration when you are in contact with people. understand that they may be stressed or upset or at their emotional end. you never know someones story until you sit and listen to them. be real with each other. be honest and drop your "perfect life" filter. life is messy and hard. dont add to someones gloom. dont add to their sadness. be the reason they get to smile even if its the only time that day. we all have our circumstances. lets choose to love each other through them.

all my best always


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