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totally not vodka..

okay so i am going to say something i seem to say in every single post. but i promise, its always relevant when i say it, so that means improvement right? but this is my favorite outfit ever. i would re-wear this outfit every day if i could. serious. but i think my favorite thing about this post is the "not vodka" water bottle. (this is not sponsored in any way btw) this water bottle first of all is so catchy. like it says not vodka, but is there really vodka in it? who knows? but really it was just water. anyways. the whole spiel about this water bottle is linked HERE. they donate a portion from every sale to the clean water project. so you get a cute and funny re-usable (which we already know those are my favorite) and you get to help make the world a better place. win win. plus if you live in amarillo, you can get this cool little thing at ENGLISH ROSE BOUTIQUE. super cool. again. not sponsored, just really in love with the whole idea of this thing. plus, perfect stocking stuffer.

okay, this whole outfit was pretty much a christmas present to myself. and let me tell you, its the gift that keeps on giving. the outfit is really comfortable, and its perfect for running errands. the scarf and turtleneck keep you warm and the jeans are just cute. i know they are super holy, but it doesnt make any difference on the temperature of your body. believe me, i am the most cold natured person out there, and i love them.

the shoes are FAB. no other word. they are new favorites of mine. i dont really have a lot to say about them because they pretty much speak for themselves. literally. loving the whole platform/bold tennies trend right now. super cute.

today it is super cold and snowy here in amarillo, and i cant decide whether i like it or not. when i get to stay home and be by a fire, i love snow. or if im snowboarding i love snow, obviously. but when i have to get out in it, i hate it. because i am (like i said earlier) super cold natured. but i am enjoying the fact that it feels a lot more like christmas now. seriously, this is our first snow all year and i am not knowing what to do with myself. its so weird. normally we have already had SEVERAL snows, and this year, not a thing until now. i am thankful for the moisture for sure, just not the stress of driving on ice. its fine though. really.

anyways, i hope everyone is having a happy saturday. christmas is right around the corner. hug the necks of the ones you love, and make sure to be thankful for what you have. be generous in this season. we were given the best gift of all by our savior being born, so reach out and give to someone else. as always, happy HOLLA-DAYS

all my best always


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