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chokers and prop sunglasses

okay okay. i know its been a while. its not that ive been in a rut necessarily, or that im living some fantastic crazy life. its just life. its busy right now, and im just rolling with the days as they come. i started a new job and the training for that was pretty time consuming. i now work at the front desk at a gym. and my shifts have been mainly in the morning, so i have to BE THERE at 4:30 AM. yeah. that early.

okay so the outfit details now. the olive jeans are just some basic essentials of mine. they are easy to pair things with, but they are different that normal jeans. the stripe shirt is just a basic tee as well. i wear this shirt more than i would probably like to admit, and as youve seen, the same goes for this sweater/jacket. i cant help it. it goes with everything and its the perfect weight. and i have already talked about these boots so many times that i know yall dont need to see/hear about that again either. the choker trend is something i have slowly joined. tbh when it first came back, i was annoyed with it. i remember wearing the black stretchy ones back in elementary, and then when that went out of style, girls for some reason loved the idea of wearing colored panty hose that had been cut super thin around their wrists and necks. weird right? and if you are wondering, i was totally one of the girls that thought this was an earth-shattering cool trend. its fine. just please tell me i am not the only one who remembers this "trend"...

okay the sunglasses. i know. they are RIDICULOUSLY huge. and i am here to tell you that i am aware, and i love them because of that. they remind me of the cheap cheap sunglasses you get at the fair that are super oversized or the kind that are used as a prop in those pop up photo booths at parties. get the picture now? yeah i know ridiculous. but like ive said before, big sunglasses are my fav.

so im going to be completely honest, ive been in a non motivational stage with my writing.. i have just been in a brain fog as far as not really knowing what you (as a reader) are wanting to read or what you are getting out of this. and to be honest, when i started this blog, i really didnt have anything in particular in mind. i wanted to write about life in general and fashion, because i love it. obviously. but, i am back. in full swing. so things will be back in the regular as far as posting.

life update-- nothing is really that new. school is back on schedule right now, and i do have a new job, but other than that life is about the same. some of you might be thinking that Thomas is new. hes not, i just have been very particular about what personal aspects i share about my life on social medias lately. so im just a college girl with a job that makes me want to sleep an obscene amount of hours, making it day by day.

all my best always


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