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honeys day

heres your ultimate valentines day gift guide fellas.

im going to start with flowers. flowers are ALWAYS a good idea. and if you have a girlfriend that tells you she doesnt want flowers, shes either lying or shes ungrateful and you should get her flowers anyway. they are always a good idea. but also, just a little secret. it doesnt have to be valentines day to get your lady flowers. flowers are not as huge of a gesture as you might think, they are more along the lines of "i was thinking about you, and wanted you to know it" and they dont have to be some extravagant bouquet. you can pick up a $15 dollar bouquet at walmart that is just as pretty.

jewelry. jewelry is a tricky one. heres the thing, unless youre married and this is your anniversary or you are planning on proposing, keep the jewelry simple and sweet. it doesnt need to be a diamond necklace (not that any girl would complain) but guys, you dont need to break the bank on valentines day. thoughtful gifts that dont cost a penny are way better than one that makes you panic for the rest of the month of how you are going to pay rent. be simple and be thoughtful. plus a lot of ladies are super picky when it comes to the jewelry they wear.

kate spade cardholders are the best thing in the world for gifts. ladies love kate spade first of all. and its super handy. they will use the crap out of these things. i promise.

edible arrangements. i shouldnt have to explain this one, because, well, look at that thing! its beautiful, and im pretty convinced there is nothing better than chocolate covered strawberries and pineapples. so good seriously, you cant go wrong.

okay heres the thing. makeup is always a great gift, IF YOUR GIRL IS INTO THAT. some girls could care less about the brand of mascara that they use, and they dont want a 16 shade contour palette. others, would love it. so fellas, this is where you have to pay attention to your woman. this doesnt have to just be makeup. this can be a giftcard to any of her favorite places to shop. easy for you, and you can let you pick out what she wants.

heres the main idea for valentines day. its really easy to get all caught up in what would be the best gift, but if you did that, you would break the bank. so let this be a time where you rely on what you know about your person, and get something based off that. not how much money you can spend. hello boys. im a girl and i am personally giving you permission to "cheap" out on this holiday. YOU DONT HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO SHOW YOUR LOVE. seriously. here are some thoughts of what you can do that would cost under $20.

---get a deck of cards. hole punch the top and tie them together with a pretty ribbon. on each card write something you love about them or a special moment that yall have shared together that you love.

---get a mason jar. get 20 popsicle sticks. on 10 of them write encouraging things that would make your persons day better. on 5 of them do date nights, and on another 5 of them do I-OWE-YOUS (aka back scratch, watch the movie of their choice, make dinner & wash dishes)

---take a day trip to a close-by town. (this one is more pricey) i love trips, and this is why i think this one would be fun. its fun to just get out of town for the day with your favorite person, but not only that, road trips are so fun.

---if youre a music guru, go old school and make a cd of yalls songs and songs that remind you of your person. cds do still exist and its also kind of sad that i am referring to them as old school, but still is super sweet gesture they could be reminded of when in the car.

---"letters for when..." this is more of a long distance thing to do. but a fun one is to write letters to your person when they are experiencing certain things. you write them ahead of time so make sure they are somewhat vague. but examples would be like -open when youre sad. -open when you have a sweet tooth (include candy) -open when you need a happy memory ...pretty self explanatory of what to write about, hopefully you get the point.

if youre wanting to be sweet and sentimental but you also want to "do" something. the best advice i can give is let her know that you planned ahead. us girls could really care less about the actual gift, we want to know why you thought of it and why you thought that we would like it. so put some thought into it. plan ahead. if youre planning a date night, dont do last minute, that never works out and its just going to add stress to a potentially fun evening. if youre on the fence about gifts, do a sentimental one, and then add flowers, you cant go wrong with that. if youre confused, most of the time you can just ask. i know some girls communicate in morse code, but sometimes, they will at least give you hints. so communicate with each other. you can always make a mutual agreement of no gifts, or plan a budget for gifts. valentines day is such a fun holiday, but only if you enjoy it with your person and youre not left stressing out the whole time.

lets be real, if they are the right one, there will be many many years of do-overs if you mess up on the gift. just be thoughtful and give it a shot!

all my best always


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