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campbells and pleather?

okay. so i have to talk about the scarf first.. this is from English Rose Boutique. website is HERE. not endorsed by them in any form, again, i just like to shop there. this scarf makes me wish i was a little baby so i could wrap my entire body in it. seriously. so warm and fuzzy and sooo soft. you know the kind of soft that is too soft and it sticks to your skin all weird? well this isnt like that. its the same type of soft, but no uncomfortable stickiness..

anyways. i paired this with a plain black turtleneck, because well, patterns and solids are what you do. and i love turtlenecks. are you new to the blog? well ill let you in on a well known fact about zoie. i love turtlenecks.

pleather pants. i wear pleather more than its probably acceptable. definitely more than its acceptable. tbh i have this one pair that died my legs purple for a solid 2 months after i got them. i had to wash them separate from everything else because the color bled soooo bad. i guess its just the sacrifice you take when you love pleather. should i be ashamed of this little love affair? no way. thomas understands.

this cardi is one of my new favorites. i personally dont think leopard ever goes out of style. disagree? this is awkward. i love leopard because its a simple pattern that you can pair with pretty much any solid color. really though. plus, if you just need to add a little something to an all black outfit (my life crisis), its an easy solution.

these shoes though. okay i understand how this looks. i swear im not bougie. my photographer/best friend is. the shoes didnt fit her, so she gave them to me because she is the sweetest ever. i know they look intimidating. i know. but i promise you, they arent hard to walk in and they are surprisingly comfortable. the platform is so tall that it makes up for how tall the actual heel is. and since they are lace up, you can basically adhere them to your foot so they become one with you. seriously, jeffrey campbells are a spiritual experience. no lie. well kind of a lie. you get the point.

i know the last pic is like a throwback to senior pictures, i think thats why i included it. its all the same right? chriselda is shaking her head at me right now for sure.

okay, fashion spiel is over. hope everyone is having a grand ole time back in school and getting into the routine of things again. me, im on the struggle bus with getting back into the swing of things. i like breaks waaaay too much. its fine, ill get there. with time.

okay, im done babbling, i guess i just missed yall.

all my best always.



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