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peace out monday

peace out monday

see ya again next week

mondays are hard. not sure why they suck so bad, but i think its just because everything starts back at the beginning. which i mean if youre an optimistic person thats a great thing. new beginnings right? i mean we are another day closer to summer being here. and another day closer to school being over, and another day closer to birthdays and christmas. so i guess they are okay. i am going to talk about the outfit now... okay.

this sweater is literally the

did i just show my age? "literally" yes i know. expand your vocabulary zoie. im working on it. this sweater on the back is solid black but on the front the two colors (white and black) LITERALLY lace together. its so cool. plus its a turtleneck. do we need to be reminded how obsessed i am with turtlenecks? no we are good. alrighty.

the jean jacket trend is back and honestly its hilarious. my sister in law and mother and i were just talking last night about how i use to give my mom such a hard time for all the jean jackets she had when i was younger. i told her they were never coming back and she should just get rid of them. IM AWFUL I KNOW. trends always come back and this one came right back to bite me on the butt. whats even weirder about this trend is that the "cool" thing to do is find the most distressed denim jacket you can, and wear it. now let me tell you. half the times i have put this baby on, i put my arms through the distressed parts instead of the actual arm holes. its fine. it takes practice? but i like this new trend. sorry mom...

the leggings are something youve seen before on the blog. GASP. outfit repeater i know. but i just love how they have some detailing at the bottom. they are more fun to wear than just solid leggings.

okay and now to the shoes. these shoes are straight VELVET yall. they are so fun. they have about an inch 1/2 ish platform, so sometimes i trip in them because i am super uncoordinated and clumsy. but they are so much fun. they add some flare to any outfit and they are tennis shoes so super comfy. love them.

update on life.

everything is exactly the same as it was from my last post. school is kicking my butt. work is great, i had a schedule shift so i actually get to sleep in sometimes now. im still #1 at procrastinating. thomas drags me to the gym several times a week, so bless him for that or i would be a tub of lard. he also buys me cookies afterwards so hes basically the best. stache is STILL growing. we had a little sick spell for about two weeks. he ate a toy, which is not uncommon for him but he always throws them back up. but this time he didnt get better after he threw it up. he got super skinny and would hardly eat (super uncommon for him) and so i took him to the vet. they gave me a couple options, and i decided to put him on some medicine and monitor him closely. he would have good days and bad days. one day he was so bad that i called the vet again to make sure i wasnt being a stupid owner and ignoring symptoms that could be serious. well that night, he finally went to the bathroom. literally two weeks had passed since he threw up this toy. that night he flipping POOPED OUT THE TOY SQUEAKER. i know that is super gross. but COME ON. an entire toy squeaker! i was amazed. it couldve ended up so bad, but luckily he is doing just fine now and has put back on all the weight he had lost. so i was a little preoccupied with my fur baby.

my horse, karli, got the chance to be in a friends photoshoot for her 3 year old daughters birthday pictures. she was dressed up as a unicorn and it was so cute. i will post pics later, so stay tuned for that.

youth ministries is back in full swing, so wednesday night has been occupied with that. other than life being super busy, life is great. i have nothing to complain about. i am blessed beyond measure and i am so thankful for this life i get to call mine. so while this is a peace-out monday post. it is also a thankful post for getting to live another monday. be thankful for the good days. but also be thankful in the bad days. the days when we have hard times are usually the days that The Lord will reveal himself to us the most if we just look for him. i am running late for my barre class (does that make me bougie?) (new memo: bougie is my new favorite word. and apparently literally is too after reading this back over),anyways, i will talk to yall later.

all my best always



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