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plain jane


and i know. this is like the five thousandth time that ive "been back". and it probably wont be the last. life is crazy, busy and stressful and fun and its just a whole lot of everything. so im taking things one step at a time, and plus school has been busier than ever so im just trying to get a hold on everything (if thats even possible)



--i turned 21. (yay twenty-fun)

--thomas still wont let me get another dog, because we have three between the both of us. and he says 4 is too much.

--i still dont believe him

--i changed my degree to a straight english degree, and im dealing with all the education stuff using a different route.

--im more than likely going to be traveling to nicaragua later this year for a class (so excited about that possibility)

--thomas is still my best friend, and i find new reasons why i love him everyday.

--he still amazes me with the new ways that he finds to love me

--something fun is that he has started looking for a new house, so our sundays are pretty much the best days ever filled with Jesus and open houses. (if you know me, open houses- designing houses- is pretty much my favorite thing ever)

so normally during april, we are still getting snow. but this year its already getting into the 80's.

im well aware this is a sweater post. but ya know, i live in a city that can never decide if it wants to be hot or cold. so im still going to talk about it. this sweater is one of my favorites because its so plain. there is literally nothing special about it. but thats also kind of why i like it. i think its super easy to pair fun things with. aka leopard shoes with a cut-out heel. these jeans are the same jeans that you have seen in all of my other post unless i say that they are different. they are from gap and they are great. gap carries two of my favorite things. jeans and leggings. they have the best leggings ever y'all, I'm not even kidding.

im also well aware that more and more of my posts are becoming less about fashion, but what can i say. i am just writing about what is on my mind, and that isn't always fashion.

like today i have been focused on staying calm in the storm. i think the common story that most of us have heard about Jesus calming the storm with the fishermen is amazing. but what i tend to forget is that Jesus can calm more than just rain and wind. He can calm more than crazy situations that are out of our hands. He can calm our hearts too. what i love about this story is that Jesus didn't make a huge scene about everything being crazy and how magnificent He is for being able to calm everything down, He just calmed it down. He didn't need a huge orchestration to be who He is. i love this because we don't have to be all out of sorts. we can choose to be calm in the storm. we can choose to just be who we are called to be. we are not called to be chaotic. we are called to stand in the midst of chaos and be the calmness. we are called to resemble Jesus. i don't think He ran around in the boat screaming at the wind for it to stop. He just told it to. and He was able to do that because of the authority that He carries. but y'all! we are made IN HIS IMAGE. WE HAVE THAT AUTHORITY TOO. i challenge you. find what the storm is in your life. then create a vision of what it looks like to be in the calm instead. i challenge you to declare THAT over your life. choose to be in control of yourself when your are in the midst of things that are uncontrollable. BECAUSE you are a child of the one true King. you are a child of The Lord. that alone, gives you permission to JUST BE STILL, and whisper to your storm to cease.

im not just up here on a soap box. i am definitely practicing this as I'm preaching it. and its definitely not something that i have mastered by any means. i just wanted to share something that has been on my heart that I've been learning.

so this was nice, ill do it again soon (;

all my best always


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